TM Next Logo

Your Ultimate updating Jingle Service.

This is TM Next.

Get to know your Next updating jingle and music imaging service

From the legendary company that invented the 'updating jingle service' in 2006 comes this brand new service.
Featuring the very best in TM talent, together with a fresh new team of composers and vocalists from around the world, we'd like to introduce you to TM Next - an innovative way to brand your radio station.

We've adapted to the industry's recent changes to make your next jingle and imaging service even more useful and effective than ever. With more formats, vocal and logo options than any other updating jingle service on the market, you create your sound, not ours.

Jingles – Your way.

Full Launch

Your next launch jingle package consists of jingle themes, top of hour themes, morning show cuts, promo beds, plus essential programming elements; news, weather and traffic. All delivered with useful mix-outs that include ramps, production beds, logo IDs and a ton of short IDs. Get the most out of your new package; however, you choose to use it.


Every month you'll get new drag & drop 'ready-to-air' content that is always topical, original and fresh. These useful production tools will develop and evolve with your format and playlist, all designed with your station’s momentum top of mind. We work with a team of internationally recognized format experts, imagers and programmers to deliver major market cutting edge sounds.


An extensive library of format-specific production beds and an array of workparts for contests, gigs and concerts, themed calendar events all containing your individual station sonic logo in useful 60 and 30 second edits. Plus tons of Logo IDs. Literally thousands of useful audio files available from the moment you sign up and login and growing monthly.


Branded intros are created by the best imagers in the game. Nextros are a unique way of combining your sonic logo and imaging with the music you're playing. Nextros are more than just power intros; they're a way of imprinting your identity into your hits. Nextros are simple to use: Download the shells, drop in your VO, and put them on the air.

Ready to Air

Time is a precious commodity these days. With TM Next, you get plug-and-play tools that are ready to air out of the box and don't need any additional production work, plus work-parts with very little extra work required, and with our tutorials and concierge service, we'll make it a breeze.

New Platform

We've been creating and investing in a brand new client platform. Designed from the ground up, it delivers launch content and monthly updates quickly and intuitively. It is all categorized using a smart, industry-leading AI-powered tagging and search engine, helping you find what you're looking for in seconds, another first in the jingle space.

Select Your Station Format

Get in touch

In diary markets, 'TM Next' will aid recall and in both diary and PPM Markets, 'TM Next' builds listener familiarity, loyalty and brand consistency – put simply, 'TM Next' just works.
By now, you'll want to find out more about these exciting new services from TM…

The package sounds even better than I anticipated. TM brought new life to our air that literally freshens the entire station…and there are so many pieces to use. Once again, well done TM!

Keith Mitchell
PD WGRR Cumulus Media - Cincinnati

Power up your station sound with TM Next

TM’s premium, constantly-updating jingle service allows you to design and build your station sound in real-time.
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